State of the market: the American continues to grow - Ester Holdings

State of the market: the American continues to grow

Closer to the US session, the US dollar accelerated growth against the main basket of competitors, which was caused by the collapse of the Canadian dollar on the weak by inflation and the resumption of growth in the yield of  the US bonds. As a result, overbought of the US dollar only increased.

The very index of the US dollar has updated the maximum of the week at around 90.30, and thereby breaking the main resistance levels of 90.00 and 90.20. Now the main resistance levels have shifted to the levels: 90.40 and 90.50, the maximum of the current month. Also, this growth is limited to the maximum yields of 10-year US bonds at the level of 2,950. Repulsion from this level can cause correction of the American.

Graph of the US dollar index and 10 years. state. of US bonds.

Hanzenko Anton

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