The crypto-currency market has cooled by the end of the year - Ester Holdings

The crypto-currency market has cooled by the end of the year

In the course of 2017, the market of crypto-currencies increased by about 35, which is a record value in the world financial markets. By the end of the year, volatility in the market declined, which on the one hand may seem not typical for this market, but it is understandable for the financial instruments due to the decline in trading volumes.

Technical analysis: Bitcoin in the first half of today’s trades broke the mark of $ 16,000.00, reaching $ 16,445.50 per coin. At the moment, the price of crypto currency is moving near a significant mark, at $ 15,600.00. In the event that bitcoin resumes decline and consolidates below $ 15,600.00, one should expect a further decline to $ 14,500.00, $ 13,400.00. For more information, see “Bitcoin tries to resume positions“.

Fig. BTC/USD. The current price is $ 15,628.00.

Alexander Sivtsov

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