Industrial production in the eurozone in March grew by 0.5% - Ester Holdings

Industrial production in the eurozone in March grew by 0.5%

The volume of industrial production in the euro area in March 2018 increased by 0.5% compared with February, when the decline was 0.9%, according to Eurostat.
Relative to March 2017, industrial production increased by 3%.

The dynamics of industrial production was worse than analysts’ expectations. Experts predicted an increase in the first indicator by 0.7%, the second – by 3.6%.

In 28 EU countries, industrial production in March increased by 0.4% compared to the previous month. In annual terms, the increase was 3%, as in the euro area.

The largest increase in industrial production in relation to the previous month was recorded in Estonia (4.1%), Portugal (3.7%) and Greece (2.6%). The most significant decrease was registered in Ireland (-7%), Croatia (4.3%) and Latvia (3.5%).

In annual terms, the most significant increase was observed in Lithuania (11.5%), Estonia (7.6%) and Finland (7%). The decline was recorded in Ireland (-14.7%), Malta (-3.2%) and Slovakia (-2.3%)

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