You'll never guess who's having a birthday today! - Ester Holdings

You’ll never guess who’s having a birthday today!

Today Bitcoin turned nine years old !!!

Today, January 3, exactly nine years ago the very first cryptocurrency in the world – Bitcoin was mined. It was on this day, January 3, 2009 at 18:15, that the first genesis-block of Bitcoin was generated.

The first block contained 50 Bitcoins, which were mined by Satoshi Nakamoto on his own computer.

For the first time Bitcoin’s price for the dollar was published on October 5, 2009 on the New Liberty Standard website. At that time, $1 was estimated at 1309 Bitcoins. The price was calculated by the formula: the average power consumed by the processor multiplied by the cost of electricity in the US and divided by the number of Bitcoins generated by the computer of the creator of the site.

However, the first transaction in the BTC/USD pair took place only after 6 months. Bitcoin was sold for fiat currency on April 25, 2010. 1000 BTC were sold at a price of $ 0.3 per Bitcoin.

After 9 years, the price of one Bitcoin is more than $ 15,000, and its popularity around the world has reached a fantastic level. And this is despite the fact that many states are trying to fight it with various bans and strict regulation of the industry.

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