The investment idea of May reached its first goal! - Ester Holdings

The investment idea of May reached its first goal!

Facebook shares. (FB) for the first days of May fully met expectations and reached the first conservative goal! So, all those who joined the investment idea “The conflict is over. Facebook again brings profit!” received the first profit on this idea!

The first conservative expectations were reached in 10 days of May, as a result of which the shares of FB reached the level of 185.00.

Fig.: Graph of the Facebook Inc Shares. The current price is 185.50, before the opening of the trades


At the same time, these stocks returned to a common upward trend, but are limited to the maximum of March and overbought, which in the end should cause a correction, which, in turn, will open the way to the second goal.

Connect to the investment idea of ​​May and make money based on the resumption of the uptrend of the Facebook Inc shares.


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