JANET YELLEN SAYS! - Ester Holdings


Dear traders,

Today, at 21:30 (Kiev), the head of the Federal Reserve, Janet Yellen, in Washington will give a thank-you speech at the awarding of the “For Ethics in State Power” award named after Paul Douglas.

This week, US President Donald Trump offered a new head of the central bank of the United States, Jerome Powell, who will replace Janet Yellen when her term expires in February. According to forecasts of analysts, Powell will continue the same course of monetary policy, which is carried out by the current head of the Federal Reserve, Janet Yellen. Powell is considered a supporter of a softer monetary policy than the other members of the board of the Fed.

Also, market players will pay attention to the statements of the head of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, William Dudley and member of the board of the Federal Reserve, Randall Kvars.

Stay up-to-date!
Speeches of key persons often cause increased market volatility.
Good luck!

We remind you that you can always get acquainted with upcoming news in the Economic Calendar, as well as in the daily market review on our official YouTube channel.

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