Main Events of the Tuesday - Ester Holdings

Main Events of the Tuesday

Tuesday, March 20, is full of data on the results of the meeting of the Central Bank of Australia, inflation in the UK and economic sentiment in the eurozone.

Market will also focus on the results of the meeting of the US Federal Reserve, which will be released on Wednesday, and data on Brexit.

At 02:30 –  data on Australia:
– Australia’s housing price index (QoQ), forecast 0.1%, the previous value of -0.2%.
– Minutes of the meeting on monetary policy of Australia.

At 06:15 –  speech of the Deputy Governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia Bullock.

At 09:00 – producer price index (PPI) of Germany (m / m), a forecast of 0.1%, the previous value of 0.5%.

At 11:30 – data on inflation in the UK:
– Consumer Price Index (CPI) in the UK (m / m), 0.5% forecast, previous value -0.5%.
– Consumer Price Index (CPI) in the UK (y / y), forecast 2.8%, previous value 3.0%.
– Purchasing Producer Price Index in the UK (m / m), forecast -0,9%, previous value 0,7%.

At 12:00 – data on economic sentiment in the euro area:
– Index of the current economic conditions of ZEW in Germany, the forecast is 90.0, the previous value is 92.3.
– ZEW economic sentiment index in Germany, forecast of 13.1, the previous value of 17.8.
– Index of economic sentiment from ZEW in the eurozone, the forecast is 28.1, the previous value is 29.3.

At 14:30 –  volume of wholesale sales in Canada (m / m), forecast 0.1%, the previous value of -0.5%.

At 22:30 –  weekly reserves of crude oil in the US according to the American Petroleum Institute (API), the previous value of 1.156M.

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