The main events of Friday! - Ester Holdings

The main events of Friday!

On Friday, April 6, the main event of the day and the week will be the publication of a report on employment in the US.

At 02:30 – data on the household expenses in Japan:
– Household expenditure in Japan (m/m), the forecast is -0,6%, the previous value is 2,7%.
– Household Expenditure Index in Japan (y/y), the forecast is 0.3%, the previous value is 2.0%.

At 09:00 – the volume of industrial production in Germany (m/m), the forecast is 0.2%, the previous value is -0.1%.

At 15:30 – the report on employment in the US:
– Average hourly wage in the USA (m/m), the forecast is 0.3%, the previous value is 0.1%.
– Change in the number of employed in the non-agricultural sector of the United States, the forecast is 193K, the previous value is 313K.
– The proportion of economically active population in the US, the previous value is 63.0%.
– Change in the number of employed in the private non-agricultural sector of the United States, the forecast is 190K, the previous value is 287K.
– The unemployment rate in the US, the forecast is 4.0%, the previous value is 4.1%.

Also at 15:30 – data on employment in Canada:
– Change in employment in Canada, the forecast is 18.8K, the previous value is 15.4K.
– The unemployment rate in Canada, the forecast is 5.8%, the previous value is 5.8%.

At 17:00 – the index of business activity in Canada from Ivey, the forecast is 60.2, the previous value is 59.6.

At 18:15 – the speech of the head of the Bank of England, Carney.

At 20:00 – the number of drilling rigs in the US from Baker Hughes, the previous value is 798.

At 20:30 – the speech of the head of the US Federal Reserve, Mr. Powell.

Hanzenko Anton

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