The main events of Friday! - Ester Holdings

The main events of Friday!

On Friday, March 30, there will be a small amount of news on Japan and the eurozone (CPI in France and Italy). At the same time, activity on the market will be low because of the weekend on the trading floors of Europe and North America.

At 02:30 – data on Japan:
– Household expenditure in Japan (y/y), the previous value is 1.9%.
– The ratio of the number of vacancies and job seekers in Japan, the forecast is 1.60, the previous value is 1.59.
– Basic consumer price index (CPI) in Tokyo (Japan) (y/y), the forecast is 0.9%, the previous value is 0.9%.

At 02:50 – the volume of industrial production in Japan (m/m), the forecast is 5.1%, the previous value is -6.8%.

Hanzenko Anton

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