The main events of Tuesday! - Ester Holdings

The main events of Tuesday!

On Tuesday, October 2, will be a small amount of news, among which the  RBA meeting results and the speech of the US Federal Reserve Chairman deserve attention.

At 00:00 –  NZIER business confidence (Q3) in New Zealand, previous value  -20%.

At 07:30 –  interest rate decision (oct) in Australia,  forecast 1.50%,  previous value 1.50%.

At 11:30 – index of business activity in the construction sector (Sept) of Great Britain, forecast 52.8,nprevious value  52.9.

At 19:00 – the speech of the Federal Reserve Chairman, Mr. Powell will take place.

At 11:30  – API weekly weekly crude oil stocks in the United States,  previous value 2.903M.

Hanzenko Anton

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