The main events of Wednesday! - Ester Holdings

The main events of Wednesday!

On Wednesday, May 9, the market will be focused on data on the US, namely, on producer prices and oil reserves.

At 01:45 – the volume of retail sales of electronic cards in New Zealand (m/m), the forecast is 0.0%, the previous value is 1.0%.

At 02:01 – the volume of retail sales in the UK from BRC (y/y), the forecast is -0.7%, the previous value is 1.4%.

At 03:30 – the index of consumer sentiment in Australia from Westpac, the previous value is -0,6%.

At 15:30 – data on producer prices in the US:
– Basic producer price index (PPI) in the USA (m/m), the forecast is 0.2%, the previous value is 0.3%.
– Producer Price Index (PPI) in the US (m/m), the forecast is 0.2%, the previous value is 0.3%.

Also, at 15:30 – construction permits in Canada (m/m), the forecast is 2.0%, the previous value is -2.6%.

At 17:30 – data on oil reserves in the US:
– Reserves of crude oil in the US, the forecast is -1,167M, the previous value is 6,218M.
– Data on surplus oil reserves in Cushing (Oklahoma, USA), the previous value is 0.416M.

Hanzenko Anton

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