The main events of Monday! - Ester Holdings

The main events of Monday!

On Monday, May 7, there will be a small amount of news, while the day is full of speeches by representatives of the world’s CB.

At 02:50 – the minutes of the meeting on the monetary policy of the Bank of Japan.

At 04:30 – the index of business confidence of Australia from NAB, the previous value is 7.

At 09:00 – the volume of production orders in Germany (m/m), the forecast is 0.5%, the previous value is 0.3%.

At 10:15 – the consumer price index (CPI) of Switzerland (m/m), the forecast is 0.3%, the previous value is 0.5%.

At 22:00 – a speech of Bank of Canada member Lane.

Hanzenko Anton

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