The main events of Friday! - Ester Holdings

The main events of Friday!

On Friday, May 18, the day is full with inflation data in Japan and Canada. Also, representatives of the US Federal Reserve will speak.

At 02:30 – data on inflation in Japan:
– The nationwide basic consumer price index (CPI) in Japan (y/y), the forecast is 0.8%, the previous value is 0.9%.
– The nationwide consumer price index (CPI) of Japan, m/m, the previous value is -0.4%.

At 09:00 – the producer price index (PPI) of Germany (m/m), the forecast is 0.3%, the previous value is 0.1%.

At 12:00 – the euro zone’s trade balance, the forecast is 27.9D, the previous value is 18.9D.

At 15:30 – inflation data unit in Canada:
– The basic consumer price index (CPI) in Canada (y/y), the forecast is 1.4%, the previous value is 1.4%.
– The basic consumer price index (CPI) in Canada (m/m), the previous value is 0.2%.
– The basic index of retail sales in Canada (m/m), the forecast is 0.5%, the previous value is 0.0%.
– Consumer Price Index (CPI) in Canada (m/m), the forecast is 0.4%, the previous value is 0.3%.
– The volume of retail sales in Canada (m/m), the forecast is 0.3%, the previous value is 0.4%.

At 20:00 – the number of drilling rigs in the US from Baker Hughes, the previous value is 844.

Hanzenko Anton

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