The main events of Friday! - Ester Holdings

The main events of Friday!

On Friday, October 5, the day is full of data, the market will focus on the US employment data.

At 02:30 – data on spending in Japan :
– Household spending (y / y) (Aug), forecast 0.2%, previous value 0.1%.
– Household spending (m / m) (Aug), forecast 0.4%, previous value -1.1%.

At 04:30 – retail sales (m / m) (August) in Australia,  forecast  0.3%,  previous value 0.0%.

At 09:00 –  data on production in Germany:
– Factory orders in Germany (m / m) (August),  forecast  0.7%, previous value -0.9%.
– Producer Price Index (PPI) of Germany (m / m) (Aug), forecast 0.1%, previous value 0.2%.

At 10:15 – consumer price index (CPI) of Switzerland (m / m) (September),  forecast  0.2%,  previous value  0.0%.

At 10:30 – data on real estate in the UK:
– Halifax house price index  (m / m) (September),  forecast of 0.2%, previous value  0.1%.
– Halifax house price index (y / y) (September), forecast of 3.3%,  previous value  3.7%.

At 15:30 –  employment  report in the United States:
– Average hourly earnings (m / m) (September), the forecast of 0.3%,  previous value 0.4%.
– Average hourly earnings (compared to the same period last year) (y / y) (September), forecast  2.8%, previous value 2.9%.
– Export volume, previous value 211.08B.
– Import volume, previous value 261.20 B.
– Nonfarm payrolls (September), forecast 185K,  previous value 201K.
– Participation rate (September), previous value 62.7%
– Private nonfarm payrolls  (September), forecast 180K, previous value  204K.
– Trade balance (August), forecast -52.30B, previous value -50.10B.
– Unemployment rate (September),  forecast  3.8%,  previous value  3.9%.

Also at 15:30 – employment report in Canada :
– Employment change (September), forecast 27.5K, previous -51.6K.
– Trade balance (August), forecast -0.50B, previous value -0.11B.
– Unemployment rate (September),  forecast  5.9%,  previous value 6.0%.

At 20:00 –  number of Baker Hughes rigs in the USA,  previous value  863.

Hanzenko Anton

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