The main events of Thursday! - Ester Holdings

The main events of Thursday!

On Thursday, October 4, a small amount of statistics will be released, among which you should pay attention to the data for the United States.

At 04:00 – data   for Australia:
– New home sales (HIA) (m / m) (October), previous value  -3.1%.
– Trade balance (Aug.), forecast 1,400B, previous value 1,551B.

At 15:30 –  initial jobless claims in the US,  forecast 211K,  previous value  214K.

At 17:00 –   statistics on the United States:
– Nondefense capital goods shipments (excluding aircraft) (m / m),  forecast of 0.1%,  previous value 0.1%.
– Factory orders (m / m) (August),  forecast  2.1%, previous value  -0.8%.

Also at 17:00 – Ivey business activity index (PMI)   (Sep) of Canada, forecast is 62.3,  previous value  61.9.

Hanzenko Anton

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