The main events of Wednesday! - Ester Holdings

The main events of Wednesday!

On Thursday, April 18, the day is full of statistics, while the market will continue to monitor geopolitical risks in the world and the results of the meeting of the US President D. Trump and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

At 02:50 – data on the trade balance of Japan:
– Japan’s trade balance (seasonally adjusted), the forecast is 0.10T, the previous value is -0.20T.
– The volume of exports of Japan (y/y), the forecast is 4.7%, the previous value is 1.8%.
– Japan’s trade balance, the forecast is 498D, the previous value is 3D.

At 11:30 – data on inflation in the UK:
– Consumer Price Index (CPI) in the UK (m/m), the forecast is 0.3%, the previous value is 0.4%.
– Consumer Price Index (CPI) in the UK (y/y), the forecast is 2.7%, the previous value is 2.7%.
– Purchasing Producer Price Index in the UK (m/m), the forecast is 0.3%, the previous value is -1.1%.

At 12:00 – data on inflation in the euro area:
– Basic consumer price index (CPI) in the euro area (y/y), the forecast is 1.0%, the previous value is 1.0%.
– Consumer price index (CPI) in the euro area (m/m), the forecast is 1.0%, the previous value is 0.2%.
– Consumer Price Index (CPI) in the euro area (y/y), the forecast is 1.4%, the previous value is 1.4%.

At 17:00 – the results of the meeting of the Bank of Canada:
– Publication of the Bank of Canada’s report on monetary policy.
– The decision on the interest rate of the Bank of Canada, the forecast is 1.25%, the previous value is 1.25%.

At 17:30 – data on oil reserves in the US:
– Reserves of crude oil in the US, the forecast is -1.900M, the previous value is 3.306M.
– Data on surplus oil reserves in Cushing (Oklahoma, USA), the previous value is 1,129M.

At 21:00 – the “Beige Book” of the US Federal Reserve.

Hanzenko Anton

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