Pound remains stable: the UK construction sector expands - Ester Holdings

Pound remains stable: the UK construction sector expands

The British pound maintains its positions against the US dollar, having received support from positive statistics on the construction sector.

  • According to published data, the index of business activity in the construction sector of the UK in November rose to around 53.1, exceeding the previous value of 50.8.

The data came out above the forecast, the market reaction is rather restrained, as the market expects further news on the Brexit talks. Namely, the decision on the Irish border in order to move to trade negotiations between the UK and the EU during the transition period.

Technical analysis: The GBP/USD pair maintains an upward movement on H1. One should consider the main support levels at 1,3400; 1.3370; the resistance levels are 1.3500; 1.3535.

Fig. The GBP/USD graph. The current price is $ 1.3440.

Alexander Sivtsov

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