FOCUS OF THE WEEK! - Ester Holdings


Dear traders,

This week, the sentiments of the markets will be determined by several important events, in particular the meeting of the Federal Reserve, the report on employment in the US in April and the quarterly report of Apple.

During the week, the investors will be focused on the trade negotiations between the US and China, when US Treasury Secretary Stephen Mnuchin and other representatives of the Trump administration will travel to Beijing.

In the euro area, investors will evaluate preliminary inflation data to understand how quickly the ECB will start to wind down its financial incentive program after declaring for the sake of maintaining a soft monetary policy, made following the results of the previous ECB meeting.

In the UK, traders will be interested in reports on the index of business activity in the manufacturing and construction sectors (PMI) as well as in the services sector that will help assess the state of the economy of this country and the likelihood of an increase in the interest rate by the Bank of England this year after a weak GDP report. (

Havd a good working week and high profits!

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