The US dollar continues to strengthen its positions. Data on sales in the secondary housing market in the United States. - Ester Holdings

The US dollar continues to strengthen its positions. Data on sales in the secondary housing market in the United States.

The US dollar continues to strengthen its position against the basket of currencies amid rising sales in the secondary housing market in the States.

  • According to published data, sales in the secondary housing market in the US rose to 5.6 million in March, exceeding the previous value of 5.54 million.

The US dollar index during today’s trading was fixed above the resistance line of the rising channel on H1, which is a signal of further growth of the US currency. If the index is fixed above the 91.00 mark, one should expect its further growth to the level of 92.00.

Fig. Graph of the US dollar index. The current price of DXY is 90.80.

Alexander Sivtsov

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