Oil prices rise after a decline on Friday - Ester Holdings

Oil prices rise after a decline on Friday

Finmarket.ru-As a result of trades on May 18, the cost of the July contract for Brent crude on the ICE Futures exchange in London fell by $ 0.7 (1%) and amounted to $ 78.51 per barrel.

June futures for WTI on the New York Mercantile Exchange NYMEX fell by $ 0.21 (0.3%) to $ 71.428 per barrel.

Today, oil prices are rising.

July futures for Brent crude by 7:53 Moscow time increased by 58 cents (0.7%) – to $ 79.09 per barrel.

Quotations of the June contract for oil WTI increased by 54 cents (0.8%) and amounted to $ 71.82 per barrel.

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