The British received support. Data on the construction sector in the UK - Ester Holdings

The British received support. Data on the construction sector in the UK

The British pound continues to recover against the US dollar in the course of trading on Wednesday, amid positive data on the construction sector in the UK.

  • According to published data, the index of business activity in the construction sector in April rose to 52.5, against the previous value of 47.0.

Also, the GBP/USD pair is helped by the correction of positions of the US dollar in anticipation of the results of the Fed meeting. See “Market Focus”.

Technical analysis: The pair GBP/USD keeps a downtrend in the short term. The main support levels are 1.3580. 1.3530. The resistance levels are the marks 1.3700, 1.3760.

Fig. GBP/USD. Current price – $ 1,3641

Alexander Sivtsov

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