Bitcoin updated the historical maximum! - Ester Holdings

Bitcoin updated the historical maximum!

During today’s trading, the price of the most popular crypto currency in the world has once again updated its historic maximum, reaching $ 9700.00. This growth of bitcoin analysts attributed to the growing interest in the crypto currency by regulators of different countries, banks and investment funds. Also, the catalyst for this growth was the announcement that the second largest bank in South Korea, Shinhan, began testing the service for storing and conducting bitcoin transactions for its customers.

Technical analysis: After updating the high to $ 9700.00, the bitcoin price dropped sharply, which was caused by fixation of profits by market participants, and also due to the correction of positions in anticipation of the next update of the maximum. The main support levels are considered at $ 9200.00; $ 9000.00. If the bitcoin price is fixed above $ 9700.00, one should expect the price to rise to the level of $ 10000.00.

Fig. The BTC/USD chart, current price – $ 9388.82.

Alexander Sivtsov

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