Actual reasons to earn today! - Ester Holdings

Actual reasons to earn today!

Dear traders,

Today there is still a good opportunity to make money on the news!

  • In an hour, at 16:00 (Kiev) – publication of the data on the index of business activity (PMI) by Ivey, Canada.The index measures the level of activity of purchasing managers in Canada and indicates prosperity in the industrial sector.

The leading analyst of Ester A.Sivtsov writes:

“According to the forecast, in November the index will fall to the level of 59.9, against 63.8 in the previous month. In case of release of data within the forecast, the Canadian will be under pressure and one shohuld expect the pair USD/CAD to grow within 30-40 points. “

  • Also, at 18:00 on Kiev – the head of the ECB Mario Draghi will hold a speech.

Each speech of the head of the regulator is carefully studied by market participants and analysts. If one can draw conclusions about the prospects of monetary policy or see an unambiguous assessment of the economic and financial situation of the eurozone, it affects the single currency.

Rhetoric hinting at tightening monetary and credit policy positively affects the quotations of the euro.

So, wait for news, closely follow the market and earn!

We remind you that you can always get acquainted with upcoming news in the Economic Calendar, as well as in the daily market review on our official YouTube channel.

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