The euro is under pressure. Data on retail sales of the euro area - Ester Holdings

The euro is under pressure. Data on retail sales of the euro area

The single currency remains under pressure amid the publication of weak data on retail sales of the eurozone.

  • According to published data, retail sales grew by 0.1% in March, which is lower than the growth of 0.3% in the previous period. On an annualized basis, the growth slowed to 0.8%, against the previous level of 1.8%.

Technical analysis: The pair EUR / USD maintains a downtrend in the short term. In the event of a further decline and fixing the price below the mark of 1,1940, one should expect further decline to the levels of 1,1900, 1,1845. The main resistance levels are 1,2010, 1,2060.

Fig. EUR/USD. The current price is $ 1.1964.

Alexander Sivtsov

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