Calendar for the week - Ester Holdings

Calendar for the week

On Monday, October 1, the week will open with data on business activity.

  • At 02:50 –  data on business activity in Japan: Tankan index of activity of major producers  (Q3) and Tankan large non-manufactures  index  (Q3).
  • At 10:55 –   index of business activity in the manufacturing sector (PMI) of Germany (Sep).
  • At 11:30 –   index of business activity in the manufacturing sector (PMI) (Sept) of Great Britain.
  • At 12:00 –   unemployment rate (Aug) in the euro area.
  • At 17:00 –  data on business activity in the US: ISM  manufacturing employment (Sep) and ISM index of business activity in the manufacturing sector (PMI)  (Sep).

On Tuesday, October 2, investors’ attention will shift to the RBA meeting results and the speech of US Federal Reserve Chairman Powell.

  • At 07:30 –  interest rate decision (oct) in Australia.
  • At 11:30 – index of business activity in the construction sector (Sept) of the UK will be released.
  • At 19:00 –  speech of the Federal Reserve Chairman, Mr. Powell will take place.

On Wednesday, October 3, the focus of attention will return to data on business activity in the US and the UK.

  • At 11:30 –  index of business activity in the service sector (Sept) of Great Britain .
  • At 15:15 – ADP nonfarm employment change (Sept) in the US.
  • At 17:00 – ISM non-manufacturing employment (PMI) (Sept) USA.
  • At 17:30 – crude oil inventories in the United States.

On Thursday, October 4, a small amount of news will be released.

  • At 04:30 –   trade balance (Aug) of Australia.
  • At 15:30 – initial jobless claims in the US.
  • At 17:00 –  volume of industrial orders (m / m) (Aug) in the US and Ivey index of business activity (PMI)  (Sept) in Canada.

On Friday, October 5, all market attention will be focused on data on employment in the US.

  • At 02:30 –  household spending in Japan.
  • At 04:30 – retail sales (m / m) (Aug) of Australia.
  • At 09:00 – factory orders in Germany (m / m) (Aug).
  • At 10:15 –  consumer price index (CPI) of Switzerland (m / m) (Sep).
  • At 15:30 – employment report in the US: nonfarm payrolls (Sept) and the unemployment rate (Sep).
  • Also at 15:30 – employment data on in Canada.
  • At 20:00 – number of oil rigs from Baker Hughes in the US.

Hanzenko Anton

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